Reparation Prayer

JESUS, from the Heart pierced for our sins, we want to offer you our reparation, in union with the Eucharistic Sacrifice, for our sins and those of others.
For the hostility of the world against you and your Church, we offer you our love, our absolute attachment to you and our firm adhesion of faith to the teaching of your Church and your Vicar on earth.
For the indifference of those who are insensitive to the attractions of your goodness, we offer you our fervor in responding to your every invitation.
For the contempt of your law and for the transgressions of your precepts, we offer you our fidelity in doing your holy will.
For the refusal to respond to the invitations of your Heart, we offer you a generosity willing to satisfy your slightest desire.
For so many scandals in the world, for so many injustices against the weak, we offer you our testimony to the law of love of the Gospel and the action of a charity towards our brothers and sisters, which we want to be similar to yours.
For the discouragement and despair of many, we offer you our boundless trust in your love and your promises.
For such ingratitude on the part of those whom You fill with benefits, we offer you gratitude pushed to the gift of our whole life.
Support our good will with your grace, so that we can in all pleasure to Tea, Jesus, who in your pierced Heart manifests to us the infinite love that he nourished towards us with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
