Friday Devotion to Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia

Apostle of Prayer for Vocation


O Saint Hannibal, full of heavenly love, during your life here on earth you lived faithfully according to the heart of Jesus you followed His Divine Command to pray for holy vocations to His Church, and dedicated your life for the poor and the little ones. Intercede for us that we may be blessed with an abundance of priestly, religious and lay vocations in the Church. Inflame our hearts with your love that we may become holy and edifying modern day disciples of Christ. We pray to you to obtain for us from God the necessary grace, which we ardently desire (mention your request) Bless us, O Saint Hannibal and our families that we may all live together in love, peace and unity. Grant through your intercession the graces of which your devotees are in great need. May all be for God’s glory and greater good of our souls. Amen
