Pray for the Future Saints of the Philippines “Pure and Foreign Filipino citizens”

 Let us accept the invitation of Jesus, to “Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest” (Mt 9.39) We all know Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia as the apostle of prayer for religious and priestly vocation and now let us become the modern apostles praying for our ultimate vocation to become holy and to become the saints of the future. Prayer is the most effective weapon that we could have on our journey towards the pilgrim path of holiness. Why do we need to pray for more saints? I would give you a very simple answer why Jesus commands or ask each of us to pray for heavenly workers, there are so many graces prepared for us for the harvest was good and abundant but the harvesters are few that would harvest it from the vineyard of the Lord for so many people were tempted to abandon the richness of heaven for sake of earthly pleasure which are only temporary.

We are inviting everyone to be one of the SOLIDARITY PRAYER CAUSE COMPANION of our future Filipino Saints your prayers will be a very great help for each Cause to sainthood, let us also pray for the possible miracle needed for their Beatification and Canonization process. be part of their journey towards the altar rails of SAINTHOOD. The SOLIDARITY PRAYER CAUSE COMPANION is the solidarity of Faithfull’s who desires to confer their time in praying for everyone through the intercession of the Venerable/Servant of God’s Cause that was assigned to them. By November 1, 2019 we will be opening it for your application to the SPCC companionship of prayer for more saints from the Philippines. As we look forward to the celebration of the 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines on the year 2021 with the theme: “500 YOC:  Gifted to Give.” (Cf. Mt 10:8). Let us remind not just the Filipinos but also the whole wide world of our calling, that regardless of our color, sexuality, status in life and differences that make us different we are all called to become the Champions of God. 
