Fr. Al’s Love is universal. He has been the Father of the Poor, the orphans, the abandoned the, the sick and the youth Venerable Aloysius Schwartz founded the Sisters of Mary Schools Boystown and Girlstown present around the Globe and the Brothers of Christ to be his partners in crime serving the poorest of the poor with great joy in the name of Christ He has been also a father to the multitude like Abraham the father of all fathers. The Boystown and Girlstown is a boarding school free from any charges directing their energy and resources to the poorest of the poor youth of the country by way of providing them with high quality Secondary Education intensive on Vocational Technical Curriculum This scholls are providing FREE education, food, clothing medical assistance and even the this to be use in schooling are free of charges. This institution bears witness to the Living Miracle and Testimony of the Great Legacy of Venerable Aloysius Schwartz imparted to the world through the inspiration of the Blessed Virgin of the Poor who come to relieve suffering with the constant guide of Jesus the Master the Way the Truth and the Life present in the Most Holy Eucharist the Center of his Spiritual Life and Active Life of Ministry.
