Chaplet of the Precious Blood

For the recitation of the chaplet the crown of 7 posts is used,
how many are the Mysteries. A grain for the Our Father and
5 for the Glory. In the last Mystery, however, there are 3 Glorias and
they recite with the grains close to the crucifix of the chaplet.
O God come to save me.
O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, and now and always over
the centuries. Amen.

Jesus pours Blood into Circumcision

"When the eight days prescribed
for circumcision were completed , Jesus was named".
Lk 2.21
O Jesus, Son of God made man, the first
Blood that you shed for our
salvation reveals to us the value of life and the duty to
face it with faith and courage, in the light
of Your name and in the joy of grace.
Our Father
5 Glory      We beg you, O Lord, to help
                     your children, whom you have redeemed with your
                     precious Blood.

Jesus sweats Blood in the Garden of Olives

"Entering the fight, he prayed more intensely,
and his sweat became like drops of blood
falling on the ground."
                                                                         Lk 22.44
O Son of God, your blood sweat in
Gethsemane provokes hatred of sin in us,
the only true evil that steals your love and
makes our life sad.
Our Father
5 Glory      We beg you, O Lord, to help
                     your children, whom you have redeemed with your
                     precious Blood.

Jesus pours Blood into the flagellation

«Then (Pilate) released
Barabbas for them and, after having scourged Jesus,
handed him over to be crucified».
                                                                Mt 27.26
O divine Master, the Blood of flagellation urges
us to love purity,
so that we can live in the intimacy of
Your friendship and contemplate
the wonders of creation with clear eyes .
Our Father
5 Glory      We beg you, O Lord, to help
                     your children, whom you have redeemed with your
                     precious Blood.

Jesus pours Blood in the crowning with thorns

“They stripped him, made him put on a
scarlet cloak, braided a crown of
thorns, put it on his head and put a
cane in his right hand. Then, kneeling
before him, they mocked him: "Hail, king of the
Jews!" ».
                                                              Mt 27.28-29
O King of the universe, the Blood of the
crown of thorns destroy our selfishness
and our pride, so that we can serve
the needy brothers in humility and grow
in love.
Our Father
5 Glory      We beg you, O Lord, to help
                     your children, whom you have redeemed with your
                     precious Blood.

Jesus sheds Blood carrying the Cross
on the way to Calvary

«Then (Pilate) handed him over to them to be
crucified. They took Jesus and he, carrying the
cross, went to the place called the Skull, in
Hebrew Golgotha ​​».
                                                               Jn 19: 16-17
O Savior of the world, the Blood shed
on the way to Calvary illumine our
path and help us to carry the cross with You, to
complete your passion in us.
Our Father
5 Glory      We beg you, O Lord, to help
                     your children, whom you have redeemed with your
                     precious Blood.

Jesus pours Blood into the Crucifixion

«When they arrived at the place called Cranio,
he and his criminals crucified you, one on the right and
the other on the left. Jesus said: "Father, forgive them
because they don't know what they are doing" ».
                                                                     Lk 23.33-34
O Lamb of God, immolated for us, teach
us forgiveness of offenses and love of
enemies. And you, Mother of the Lord and ours,
reveal the power and riches of the
precious Blood .
Our Father
5 Glory      We beg you, O Lord, to help
                     your children, whom you have redeemed with your
                     precious Blood.

Jesus pours Blood into the flank

«But when they came to Jesus, seeing that he was already
dead, they did not break his legs, but one of the
soldiers with a spear hit his side, and immediately
blood and water came out».
                                                                 Jn 19.33-34
O adorable Heart, pierced for us,
with our prayers, the expectations of the poor,
the tears of the suffering, the hopes of the people
, so that all humanity may gather in
Your kingdom of love, justice and peace .
Our Father
3 Glory We beg you, O Lord, to help
                     your children, whom you have redeemed with your
                     precious Blood.
