Novena to Saint Anna Schäffer


     I will help all who will call on me,Saint Anna Schäffer herself spoke these wonderful words. Only someone who possesses an immense love for people and a firm trust in God can say such words. Anna Schäffer possessed both. We can accept her offer and ask for her intercession. God permits His faithful servant to help all those who are in need or have some other request. She is permitted to be His extended and helping hand.

We pray with Anna Schäffer:

     Each day should be lived with, for, and in Jesus. Lord, I give myself to You completely. Keep me enclosed within your Heart! Heart of Jesus, I join my sufferings with Your holy suffering which You bore throughout your life! I thank you for each hour of Your terrible suffering. Sacred Heart of Jesus, all my trust belongs to you! All the happiness my heart is longing for, I find in You, O Most Sacred Eucharist!

    Holy Spirit, Divine Consoler, keep us from sadness and despondency! Free all Christians from despair and from its disastrous consequences. Mary, Mother of Grace, among us human beings you are the Most Holy. That is why your motherly love for us poor sinners is also the most encompassing. May Jesus increase, act and reign within us!" Amen.
Day 1: Love for God

     Saint Anna Schäffer was a shining example of true love for God. She faithfully kept God's and the Church’s Commandments, according to the Lord's own words: “Whoever holds to my commandments and keeps them; it is he who loves me".

     Anna Schäffer writes: My only happiness, my joy and my bliss is Jesus alone, whom I love and who lives within my soul."

    Almighty God, I love You and praise Your goodness, which filled the heart of St Anna Schäffer with such an immense love for you. May her sacrifices and sufferings be fruitful also for me and grant me the grace to love you above all, and out of this love to offer You sacrifices and to patiently bear all my suffering. I ask you to help me in my special needs (mention your request).

Our Father Hail Mary Glory be

     Almighty, all loving and merciful God and Father, grant my prayer for the sake of the merits of Your Beloved Son and His Holy Mother. I love You and Your Holy Will and I trust in the intercession of Saint Anna Schäffer. May Your Holy Will be blessed and praised in eternity. Amen.

Day 2: Love of Neighbor

     Even as a child, Anna was kind and helpful towards others. In her youth, she had the desire to become a missionary sister in order to help the people in distant countries. When later, due to her serious illness, she became bedridden; she nevertheless found many opportunities to help others in their sufferings of body and soul. She was occupied in knitting for poor children. Towards everybody who came near her sickbed she was friendly and amiable. Despite her own misery she had kind words for everybody and promised to pray for them.              

Almighty God, I bless and praise Your goodness, which filled the heart of Saint Anna Schäffer with such an exemplary love of neighbor. May her sacrifices and sufferings become fruitful also for me, when I, like her, do good unto my neighbors through the bodily and spiritual works of mercy. I ask You to help me in my special needs (mention your request).

Our FatherHail MaryGlory be
Almighty, all loving and merciful God and Father, grant my prayer for the sake of the merits of Your Beloved Son and His Holy Mother. I trust in the intercession of Saint Anna Schäffer. May Your Holy Will be blessed and praised in eternity. Amen.

Day 3: Love of the Cross
All her life, Saint Anna Schäffer was steeped in the love of God, the love of neighbor and the love of the Cross. She writes: Take up your cross and follow me! These words by which the Divine Savior invites me to follow Him, are the foundations for my heart upon which is erected the Cross. Full of love and gratitude I will welcome it. With love for the Cross and with gratitude, the last breath of my life shall be exhaled...”

Almighty God, I bless and praise Your goodness, which filled the heart of Saint Anna Schäffer with such an exemplary love for the Cross. May her sacrifices and sufferings become fruitful also for me, when I, like her, accept all pains and sufferings from the hands of God. I ask you to help me in my special needs (mention your request).

Our FatherHail MaryGlory be

Almighty, all loving and merciful God and Father, grant my prayer for the sake of the merits of your Beloved Son and His Holy Mother. I trust in the intercession of Saint Anna Schäffer. May your Holy Will be blessed and praised in eternity. Amen.

Day 4: Prayer

Anna Schäffer prayed many hours day and night for all those who recommended themselves to her, especially the sick and the dying, for the conversion of sinners, for the poor and the needy, for priests and missionaries, for the Church in general, and for the poor souls in Purgatory.

Almighty God, I bless and praise Your goodness, which filled the heart of Saint Anna Schäffer with such an exemplary zeal for prayer. May her sacrifices and sufferings become fruitful also for me. Widen my heart so that I will be able to pray for the intentions of others as well.  I ask you to help me in my special needs (mention your request).

Our FatherHail MaryGlory be

Almighty, all loving and merciful God and Father grant my prayer for the sake of the merits of Your Beloved Son and his Holy Mother. I trust in the intercession of Saint Anna Schäffer. May your Holy Will be blessed and praised in eternity. Amen.

Day 5: The Eucharist

Even though Saint Anna was unable to attend Holy Mass due to her illness, she nevertheless did not have to do without the Lord in the Holy Eucharist, whom the parish priest brought her virtually each day. The moments of Holy Communion were the happiest of each day, moments when she even forgot her sufferings.

She writes: By one single Holy Communion here on earth I have already been amply rewarded for all my sacrifices and sufferings. Only the Divine Savior in Holy Communion gives us strength and fortitude in our poverty and weakness so that united with Him we may suffer and endure close to His Divine Heart”.

Almighty God, I bless and praise Your goodness, which filled the heart of Saint Anna with such an immense longing and love for the Eucharistic Lord. May her sacrifices and sufferings become fruitful also for me. Increasingly unite yourself with me in the Blessed Sacrament, and make my life more and more similar to yours.  I ask you to help me in my special needs… (mention your request).

Our FatherHail MaryGlory be...

Almighty, all loving and merciful God and Father grant my prayer for the sake of the merits of Your Beloved Son and His Holy Mother. I trust in the intercession of Saint Anna Schäffer. May Your Holy Will be blessed and praised in eternity. Amen.

Day 6: Trust in God

Saint Anna Schäffer possessed an unshakeable trust in God.  She already recognized in her youth her life's purpose: to love God and to serve Him and her fellow human beings. Thus within her grew the desire to become a missionary sister and work for the Kingdom of God. When, aged 18, both her feet were scalded, she was no longer able to put her plan into effect, which was a hard test for her faith. For two years she hoped to gain her health again. Then she acknowledged that God's will was different. She was meant to walk the way of the Cross, the way of suffering and expiation. And she said her "yes" praying: “Lord your will be done, I trust in you”.

Almighty God, I bless and praise Your goodness, which filled the heart of Saint Anna with such trust in You. May her sacrifices and sufferings become fruitful also for me. Strengthen me, that trusting boundlessly in Your love I may accept any ordeal from Your loving hand. I ask you to help me in my special needs… (mention your request).

Our FatherHail MaryGlory be.

Almighty, all loving and merciful God and Father grant my prayer for the sake of the merits of Your Beloved Son and His holy Mother. I trust in the intercession of Saint Anna Schäffer. May Your Holy Will be blessed and praised in eternity. Amen.

Day 7: Abandonment

Her deep trust in God enabled Saint Anna Schäffer to totally abandon herself to the will of God, in all blows of fate she recognized His loving guidance and submitted totally to His Will.

She writes: "How happy one is, when one is totally abandoned with body and soul, with all one's being, with all one's will immersed into the most Holy Heart of Jesus. You wanted me to be exactly where I am. I am a tool in your hand, oh Lord, You decide and I will follow You...”

Almighty God, I bless and praise Your goodness, which empowered the heart of Saint Anna to such trust abandonment. May her sacrifices and sufferings become fruitful also for me, by placing all my own desires and thoughts into your holy will. I ask you to help me in my special needs… (mention your request).

Our FatherHail MaryGlory be.

Almighty, all loving and merciful God and Father grant my prayer for the sake of the merits of Your Beloved Son and His Holy Mother. I trust in the intercession of Saint Anna Schäffer. May Your Holy Will be blessed and praised in eternity. Amen.

Day 8: Humility

Throughout her life Saint Anna acknowledged God as her Lord, she venerated Him as the Most High and humbly submitted to His will. 

She writes: Teach us to say from the bottom of our hearts: I am a handmaid of the Lord... Often my eyes are full of tears due to the sacrileges committed against the beloved Savior. My God, in exchange, accept my sufferings -- poor sinner that I am. Ever since the Lord told it to me I pray with outstretched arms, but only when I am alone, or during the night.”

Almighty God, I bless and praise Your goodness, which filled the heart of Saint Anna with such deep humility. May her sacrifices and sufferings become fruitful also for me, as she did, and following her example, I will be always ready to serve You in humility. I ask You to help me in my special needs…(mention your request).

Our FatherHail MaryGlory be ...

Almighty, all loving and merciful God and Father grant my prayer for the sake of the merits of Your Beloved Son and His Holy Mother. I trust in the intercession of Saint Anna Schäffer. May Your Holy Will be blessed and praised in eternity. Amen

Day 9: Gratitude

     Saint Anna Schäffer was obliged to accept a great deal of outside help, and thus she was grateful to everybody, especially to her mother and her parish priest.

She writes: “I cannot thank my beloved mother enough for what she has done for me. Surely God Himself will recompense her doubly.For her parish priest she prayed: My beloved Savior, always grant him health, give to me the sicknesses which perhaps you destined for him. I will gladly become sick for his sake and suffer for him because he so often brings me Holy Communion”.                 

Almighty God, I bless and praise Your goodness, which filled the heart of Saint Anna with such immense gratitude. May her sacrifices and sufferings become fruitful also for me, when - like her - I will be grateful for all the good, but also for all the bad received from You and my neighbor. I ask you to help me in my special needs… (mention your request).

Our FatherHail MaryGlory be   

Almighty all loving merciful God and Father grant my prayer for the sake of the merits of your Beloved Son and His Holy Mother.  I trust in the intercession of Saint Anna Schäffer. May Your Holy Will be blessed and praised in eternity. Amen.

Another version:

Almighty and merciful God, You are our loving Father. Grant my prayer through the merits of Your beloved Son and of His Holy Mother. I also entrust my petitions to the intercession of Saint Anna Schäffer. May your Holy Will be blessed and praised now and forever. Amen.
