In Memory of the Third Death Anniversary of Salome R. Barnuevo the “saintly servidora of the seminary” of San Jose (July 12)

For the Expanded Version you may click this link: Short Biography of Salome Barnuevo

Salome Barnuevo or commonly known as May Omeng or Nanay Ming woke up early in the morning to prepare for work and as she travel her lips and fingers continuously move praying the Rosary her most much-loved prayer. She would attend the Mass and received Holy Communion every day before her work. On October 14 2007 she enrolled to the Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena and her assigned decade is “The Visitation” whose obligation is to pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the honor of Saint Philomena the patron saint of the Association. During the night before she sleeps after a tireless day of work she never forgot to pray Novenas and the Holy Rosary.

            You would ask where she worked. Nanay Ming worked at the Holy Rosary Preparatory Seminary as a “servidora for priests” on a greeting card send to her, they to her expresses their gratitude to Nanay Ming it says that “your untiring service and hard-work is worth of veneration”. A year before her death she received a “Plaque of Recognition” in its citation it states that this was given to her in gratitude for her involvement in the formation of the future priests of the Archdiocese and “for her generous sharing of herself, time and talent to the Archdiocese of Caceres in general and to the Holy Rosary Preparatory Seminary through her active, dedicated and unconditional service rendered to this institution”. She become also a spiritual mother for priests and seminarians in one instance she stand for a one seminarian and it is said that because of her this seminarian were ordained as a Priest (I do not know who is that priest). After her death we found an old prayer card on her things dated November 9, 1996 it is a souvenir card from the ordination of Fr. Rex now Bishop of the Diocese of Daet and at the back of the prayer card it contains a Prayer for Priests which she used in praying.

            She has an ardent devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary: to Our Lady of Peñafrancia and to Our Lady of Sorrows the patroness of the Sayos. On the Annual Fiesta of Our Lady of Peñafrancia at the Basilica Minor in Naga City she always attend Mass and visited the Cathedral to pray and give thanks before the image of Ina. A year before her death she was confined on the hospital and has been discharge a few days before the annual fiesta but then she insisted to travel alone just to attend Mass at the Shrine of  Our Lady without the knowledge of her children who also had their pilgrimage to the same Shrine. When her children finishes their turn to kiss Ina they were shock to see their mother at the shrine on her “ tungkod” because she is not yet fully recovered and can’t walk straight then what she did she kneel down and pray at the back portion of the Shrine. It would be her last visit to the Shrine.
          She is also a great devotee and promoter of the Brown Scapular she distributes it to each member of the family. After her death we found a plastic with brown scapulars and plan to distribute it a year after her death. One time one of his grandson requested another one then she immediately requested to the priest for a scapular and ask him to bless it, then give it to her grandson but unfortunately someone borrowed the scapular and lost it. Even she wore the scapular with great fervor. We also found a little booklet on her things entitled “Garment of Grace” it contains some information about the Scapular.
        Nanay Ming is also a Prayer Warrior of the Holy Souls in purgatory. On her sickbed her daughter relates that she constantly read a “red book” translated in Bicol from its original title “Read me or Rue it” meditating and praying for the souls in purgatory. We’ve seen also on her things a Station of the Cross prayer booklet dedicated for the poor souls in purgatory. She had this devotion to the holy souls for she believed that when her time comes the souls she prayed for and pass to eternity will surly help and aid her.

            How is she related to the Order of Servites? Salome Barnuevo is a member of the Association of Sayos somewhat the same with or affiliated with Confraternity of Our Lady of Sorrows. In a handout that I found from her things contains the History of the “Siervos de Maria” and the Crown or Rosary of the Seven Sorrows which is said used and prayed by the Seven Founders of the Order. How come that she joined the Association? She herself related her story before joining the said association to her children. She got very sick and not recovering well from her illness on that night she had a dream a vision of a beautiful Lady giving her a black robe same with the Servites and Sayos. After receiving the message she commissioned someone to sew her black robe and joined the Association of Sayos. She promised to participate actively till the time she still can then her illness was miraculously healed. She participated to the Penitential Procession annually wearing black robes down to the ankles with a rosary dangles from a white cord from the waist, their black veil that covers their faces were locked in place by a “payawan” or also known as “makabuhay”  a local vine with medicinal value to depict Jesus crowned with thorns. They are also carrying instrument of the Passion such as nails, a wooden cross, crown of thorns, and a bottle of vinegar and so on while chanting prayers and walking barefooted.  Her daughter related that Nanay Ming participated in the Lord’s Passion in a very special way because yearly during Holy Week she always struck by a mysterious sickness to suffer until the Holy Week ends she believed that this is the way of the Lord to remind her of her promised to participate to the annual penitential procession. During the procession she would ask someone to accompany her and to look after her because she is in pain and offer it to Jesus. The rosary grasped in her hand and the continual recitation of the rosary sustains her strength until the procession finish. After Semana Santa she would regain her health back to normal. Sayos make reparation for the sufferings of Jesus. On Maundy Thursday the Sayos visited Barangays in group of 4 or 5 to visit houses barefooted early in the morning until noon they knock in every house to ask for alms like the Servites they pray in each house from one to another. Whatever they collect goes directly to the Church as contribution for the projects of the Parish.  After this they return to the Church for the afternoon prayers.

            She is a warm hearted person everyone that comes to her never left unaided. In one instance her grandson desires to have a gold fish what she deed is that she ask for a fish from the seminary grotto where there is a somewhat similar fish and put it  into a taper ware with water then give it to his grandson. In another occasion she would adopt the orphaned children of his husband’s family relatives and let them stay at their house and send them to schooling. She would bath her sick and elderly relative with love and dedication. Sometimes she would protect others from abuses. She is a loving grandmother to her grandsons and daughters after work when she got home those who are just in nearby houses would come just to ask for one peso then she would get her wallet to give them some then for those are from far area she would give them five pesos this simple act touches our heart the most. If someone needs financial help she would seek help on her behalf for them. I know and I believed this woman of selfless love would be one of our great intercessor from heaven. During the funeral Mass the priest said on his sermon “be glad because you have her in heaven to pray for you”.

For those who knew Nanay Ming please share to us your encounter with this “saintly servant” then if you have some pictures with her please do share also to us. Email us at:
